Saturday, September 24, 2011

Broken Pen

I have this pen that's slowly falling apart. Just yesterday, the cap of the pen got lost and I have no clue where it is now. The ink seemed to be running out and this morning as I was journaling, it seemed as though I'd be searching my house to find another working pen (a difficult task; trust me). As I continued to jot down some thoughts in my journal, the covering of the pen's tip fell off. But after this happened, the pen started to work way better than it ever had.

Maybe it's an odd stretch, but it reflected a concept much greater than a working pen...

Sometimes, we think that there are things in our life that we need, so we hold on to it or maybe freak out when it is taken away from us. However, God uses these loses or brokennesses to bring us back to the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The fact is, we need Jesus Christ. From there on out, He takes care of us. Matthew 6:33 has a new, revived, deeper meaning to me. God wants us to fix our eyes on Him and ALL will fall into place. Does that mean that we won't have sufferings? Does that mean that we will get whatever we want? No. But as we continue to abide in Him, our hearts will transform into His heart and He will be given all glory, honor and praise due to His name.

Being a self-center human, it's easy to focus on my situation rather than the greater perspective and the One who has control over it. When we step out of our circumstances and step before His throne, He is able to reveal His victorious reign through His Son, Jesus Christ. As we look at our current situations with the Almighty God, it's impossible to remain worried, stressed, concerned, hurt, or depressed. When we allow ourselves to become humble before the Lord during the trials that so often bring hardships, our loses become gains for His glory. Before His throne, we no longer have worries, stresses, concerns, hurts, or depression.

God works all things for the good for those who love Him. When the things we think are necessary to our life are taken away, we are given an opportunity to draw near to Him and enter into His presence with confidence. Be encouraged for the next time that you encounter an obstacle, a trial, or a hardship, to go before the throne of God and realize the truth and power in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Recent Prayer

I've had a hard time finding the right words to start this blog off. Granted, I've never been one to accurately articulate myself, however, I will still attempt to.

I have become even more aware of the little that I know of God and the immense amount of love He constantly pours into my life. Throughout the last few days, I have experienced the truth of His love to have placed peace, patience, and joy in my heart. And He has only just begun.

I'm excited to continue to walk in my relationship with God and discover more of who He is. Jesus Christ is radically changing my heart according to His will. With every conviciton and impression that the Holy Spirit stirs within me, I am gaining more and more clarity in the woman God intended for me to be.

Abide. God continues to softened my heart to long for His presence with every day that He chooses to give me. I am blessed to have a personal relationship with Him. Outside of Him, I am nothing. Abiding in Him places me in His presence. And in His presence is where I shall be. Only in His presence can I fully embrace who He intends for me to be.

I pray that everyone would abide in Him. His plans and desires for every single person exceeds all we could ever plan for ourselves. I am praying for you and I. I am praying that our hearts may be stirred to receive His love and that in response to His love, we would put off our old selves, and live in such a way that is worthy of the calling to which we have been called, worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. (Eph. 4:1,22; Phl 1:27; Col 1:10 ESV)

Embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. Abide in Him.