Friday, August 12, 2011

A Disconnect

Since I believe some of the followers to my blog secretly hope for me to become a nifty science geek, I will be using a big word in hopes of impressing those described.

In the last few weeks, may be it's more accurate to say in the last few months, I have been slowly adapting to a horrible form of guaifenesin within my life. Now, for all you future medical students, you may be confused. And for all you "regular" people out there (I'm praying that you've caught on to my humor...), you may be thinking, "Guaf what?!" Perfect. So now that I may have people confused on what I'm saying, maybe you'll finish reading this and hear what I have to say.

Guaifenesin is actually a drug used to help loosen congestion in your chest and throat. When you have pneumonia, the truth of guaifenesin is quite the contrary to my earlier statement of "having a horrible form of guaifenesin within my life." As guaifenesin is more naturally presented in a drug form, this form is very helpful. But when it comes to the form of guaifenesin that was introduced to my life prior to my pneumonia, this form is no bueno. For all you unexposed, "no bueno" is Spanish for "not good."

Unfortunately for me, my flesh and spirit continue to fight an ongoing war. Despite the victory that I have in Jesus Christ, my flesh is foolish enough to believe that it still needs to go on its own strength. I started working all the time and I allowed less time for God. Slowly, my time was beginning to only be spent working and sleeping and occasionally socializing. My own form of guaifenesin was the busyness of what I thought was important. It was loosening my perspective on the greater things of His kingdom and separating me from the most important time ever, which is devotional/quiet times with God. And then during the times that I would read my Bible, God would send words of painful truth that I needed more than ever. Ephesians 5:16, "...making the best use of time, because the days are evil..." and Colossians 4:5, "Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, making the best use of time." Rushing through reading my Bible as if it were some "to-do" chore on a checklist is probably one the worst ways I could spend my time. And with this odd form of guaifenesin in my life, my priorities where being loosen and I was trying to bombard His truth. As the words of truth seemed to hit harder and sharper, the faster I wanted to escape the conviction. Rather than spending time to repent and ask God to renew my mind, I spent no consistent time with Him at all.

However, God is faithful and He is more than good. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13, "Therefore, let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it."

A brief disconnect brought on what was probably the best recovery plan ever. Sometimes I allow myself to become a busy body and lose focus on the One who brings complete fullness and purpose into all that I do. I can do nothing apart from Christ. Pneumonia may have been that "escape" that I needed in order to endure it. God has opened my eyes to my weakness and I have been reminded of my greater need for Him, once again.

Once again, ABIDE. As I abide in Him,  He abides in me. As I abide in Him, I am in awe and reverence. As I abide in Him, I learn more and more of the godhead, three in one: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I am so thankful for having been reduced to such a low energy level. I am so grateful for seeing that I have no strength of my own to draw from. I am so glad that God is the only One to allow me to wake up every day that I do. I am so encouraged to be reminded that He is the One in-control. Blessed be the Lord, Our Father. Hallowed be Thy name. Glory to God, forever and ever.

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